суббота, 6 апреля 2019 г.



Published in the “Revista do Hospital das Forças Armadas” (Magazine of the Hospital of the Armed Forces) – (H.F.A.) Brasília (DF) – Brazil
Edition of Out/Dec – 1987
Authors: Dr. Hélio Grott Filho, Dr. Júlio Grott
The Authors present the discovery of a sign obtained with Kirlian Photos of the human beings digital pulp.
A Kirlian Camera, Model 6ST, “Standard Newton Milhomens” was used and it was obtained the habitual pattern of image, composed basically for the colors blue, white and rose as are common in “Standard Newton Milhomens”.
Starting from 1985, Kirliangraphy was introduced as a method of accompaniment of cases of malign neoplasia. There are differences among the normal individual’s Kirlian Photos and the individual’s Kirlian Photos that suffers of malign tumors. In the individuals that have malign neoplasia a special sign was detected, corresponding to a traverse rift, of centrifugal direction to the elements of the energetic halo that was called “fracture.”

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