E.I. Anufrieva, V.P. Anufriev, M.G. Starchenco
EU Center of Energetics UrO RAS Institute of physics of metals Ekaterinburg
In our previous investigations, carried out with the help of the cardiology diagnostic complex “Varicard” using methods of mathematical analysis of cardiac rhythm, we discovered that the thought and the heart are interrelated and that the thought, as well as energy, may change the cardiac rhythm: increase or decrease the heart rate, effect the vegetative balance within the regulation of cardiac activity and influence upon the functional condition of regulator systems of the organism. Using Gas Discharge Visualization method in the present work, we managed to visualize the changes arising in our organism on the energy level when receiving and sending thoughts. The combination of two techniques − ECG and GDV − gives an opportunity to better realize the processes occurring in the organism on the physical and energy level in the thinking.
In our previous investigations, carried out with the help of the cardiology diagnostic complex “Varicard” using methods of mathematical analysis of cardiac rhythm, we discovered that the thought and the heart are interrelated and that the thought, as well as energy, may change the cardiac rhythm: increase or decrease the heart rate, effect the vegetative balance within the regulation of cardiac activity and influence upon the functional condition of regulator systems of the organism. Using Gas Discharge Visualization method in the present work, we managed to visualize the changes arising in our organism on the energy level when receiving and sending thoughts. The combination of two techniques − ECG and GDV − gives an opportunity to better realize the processes occurring in the organism on the physical and energy level in the thinking.
The purpose of the present work is the study of correlation of the human thoughts and human aura. The research was carried out by the firmware complex “Corona –TV”, which registers the pictures of GDV-fluorescence of fingers following computer processing and creating human aura around human body. Sensitivity of this device made it possible to fix the changes, occurring in the aura as affected by different thoughts, visually.
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